Story of Old Man

 I cried seeing old age --------

This was the song from an Indian movie 'Third Type' -

It was the sixties---

It was regularly broadcast on Indian radio and resonated in the streets.

We were going through a difficult time of age at that time, so we were unaware of the hidden message in this song, they used to do it, those who did not come and go saw the young, those who did not come grew up. - after that they used to fill a cold sigh - why they used to sigh even then. they were ignorant

But not long ago, Guddu Khan was seen in a video interviewing Ms. Rakhshi, a former artist who has been dancing in Pakistani movies. He had achieved it and planned it, the result was that now that old age had entered his life, he was still in a good mood and financially comfortable - he said he had guessed it, with the passage of time his body would not be able to accompany him in the dance and she wouldn't have to look for an alternative source of income, what she thought was that she said she always had the Suzuki in her possession when she could have a nice car - the reason she said or when my purpose was being served. What to show in front of people-Guddu also admitted that he used to interview people from different parts of the film industry, but most of them didn't have the right kind of planning. Shaan understood but Rakhshi was free from it, may Allah keep her happy.

Growing up is a topic that different people keep writing columns about and tell us how to face the future, what to do so that it is not our turn to repent and cry. guideline in Surah An-Nahl verse 70-Allah Almighty says: his memory is impaired-his nerves are weakened-his eyesight is affected-he cannot walk-his brain may reach the point where he is shocked when hearing bad or sad news .or-

One person wrote in the comment on the Rakhshi Sahib video that I am living a retired life, even before I retired I had made it clear to myself that now privileges and privileges would be gone so I didn't have to worry too much.

He said that when he retired, a man had given him very good advice so that he should not interfere too much in the affairs of the house, if you did not have any problems then now you are going to get rid of the worms then the problem is going to end. arise so keep this aspect in mind.

One of my subordinates, Saqib Sahib, once said the same thing in Brussels, twenty-five years before he retired, that a man should find a hobby after he retires so that his sense of worthlessness will go away. welfare work-Saqib Sahib, while continuing his speech, said that if he doesn't get any work after retirement, then he should start preaching and find a way to pass the time. I also say that if there is such a way according to his religious sect, find it; at least start teaching the students.

Today Allah Almighty has blessed us with another boon: if he doesn't know how to use internet or whatsapp phone, he learn, keep sharing his experiences etc. he will disappear considerably.

Retirement is a must for all government and non-government employees. People who are attracted to various investments after retirement also come to collect their money; should be avoided; they can be your dear relatives and also your acquaintances. When I retired I met a lower level employee of the department and got acquainted with the benefits of investing in farmland - I was surprised to hear his lecture - at first I couldn't speak but that day it seemed like I was older there can be no speaker - the dialogue was something like this

"Sir, make a decision: not tomorrow, not today, not today, not now, not now, not at the same time, time is not enough," and so on.

In this regard, Musarat Jabeen, former editor of Akhbar-e-Mahilaan and former columnist for Jang-e-Akhbar, praised the government agency "Qaumi Bachat"; she writes that she was pleasantly surprised and pleased to see such a crowd at National Savings. Offices Despite the fact that people still trust their country and government institutions, those who are dissatisfied with the functioning of these centers will be right in their position that, in any case, their time is wasted but their work Under no circumstances you can lift your finger. any customer

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