How to prevent Hate Wave?

The 2015 heat wave claimed more than 1,500 lives in Pakistan, while the death toll in India was more than 2,500. Meteorologists have warned that global warming will now start to increase with each passing year and unfortunately Pakistan is also one of the major countries affected by the heat wave. These heat waves on the rise in the world are becoming more and more deadly for the elderly and children, so the first question is how to avoid the heat wave? These 5 methods can be of great help to prevent heat wave, before knowing these methods, you must understand how the intensity of heat affects our body.

The natural temperature of the human body is close to 37 degrees Celsius and now if it reaches 41 degrees Celsius due to external heat, human death may occur. So the question is, how can you increase the temperature of the human body?

Whether it's hot or cold, our body maintains body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. In case of extreme heat, our natural system opens the arteries and increases the amount of sweat so that the water in the sweat helps to cool the body down a bit but this is the same sweat that releases more water and salts in the body and in the blood. and our blood pressure drops and this drop is maintained for about 30 minutes and causes human death.

So now we know the 5 ways to protect yourself from extreme heat or heat wave.


1. Drink plenty of water

It is important to drink as much water as possible to prevent heat waves, as water is most helpful in maintaining body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius, so you should drink at least 3 liters of water a day during heat waves .



2. Do not travel unnecessarily or leave home

Unnecessary travel should be avoided during extreme heat, as temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius can cause dehydration in the body. Therefore, on hot days, avoid going outdoors between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. and try to spend as much time as possible in your home, room, or office.


3. Avoid hot foods

Avoid meat, eggs, poultry and spicy foods and pay attention to the consumption of vegetables, as meat has a heating effect that can lead to dehydration in the body. So use cold drinks and vegetables and also avoid spices.



4. Protect your eyes from the sun

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun, as heat waves cause red eyes. It also causes irritation and itchiness in the eyes. In this case, it is very beneficial to wash your eyes with cold water 3 to 4 times a day, and when you go out, wear goggles so that your eyes are protected from the sun.


5. Cover the head and neck with a cloth.

Be sure to take a damp towel with you when you leave the house. If possible, cover your head and neck with a cloth. The heat wave makes your body stop sweating, which causes your body temperature to rise constantly, in this case if you are indoors take a cold bath and if you are going to go out, wet the towel, keep it cool so you can wrap it. your body from time to time and keep your neck and head covered.

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